
Showing posts with the label FSN analysis

Proficient Hospital Inventory Management with FSN Analysis

Healthcare organizations are well known for their need for stocks to meet their day-to-day needs. There is a high degree of volatility in stores when it comes to hospitals, for the healthcare services provided by them. It is crucial for the hospitals to manage their stocks, in and out, thereby attaining high value by avoiding misuse or wastage of the stocks at the hospital FSN analysis is a logistics and supply chain management technique, that is highly important to understand the stock requirement and availability. Nowadays, this FSN Analysis is carried out with a reliable Hospital Management System . A software that manages the hospital, can assist in inventory management, with its FSN analysis module. FSN Analysis The term FSN analysis refers to the concept of inventory management, which keeps track of fast-moving, slow-moving, and non-moving stocks. This is an objective of the logistics sector, that is applied to various industries where the stocks maintained, need to be managed pr...